We all know about the magical power of travel. Do you remember the last time you returned from a trip feeling utterly transformed? Maybe it was a heart-stopping view from a mountain peak, the unexpected kindness of a stranger in a bustling market or the taste of a dish unlike anything you’d ever experienced before?
Travel forces us to go outside our usual boundaries. Those who venture to other countries experience the vast tapestry of cultures and landscapes that exist in our world. As a result, our minds expand, our understanding of how lives intertwine grows and we gain the knowledge that human beings are all connected. Once travel changes you, you might very well get a burning desire to share your adventures and travel inspiration with others, perhaps in written form.
But how can you write about your travels in a persuasive manner? How can you become a travel writer that grabs and holds onto the reader’s attention? Read on and find out how to make it happen.
The power of storytelling: You’re a bard, a songwriter and a keeper of fairy tales all in one
People connect with stories, as any travel writing course will state. Never let your readers dive into your dump of tangled destinations with a few low-quality photos of your plane’s wing. Inspirational writing is about weaving a narrative that takes your readers to places they’ve never been before, seducing them into packing their luggage and heading out immediately.
Don’t just tell readers that the ancient temple was impressive—describe how the sunlight streamed through intricate carvings, the smell of the dust and the sound of water dripping somewhere deep in the hall, and the sense of awe that washed over you as you entered this sacred space. This is what differentiates a travel blog from a good travel blog. Writers from such services as Customwritings.com provide good examples of inspirational writing, through essays filled with vivid descriptions and imagery-laden narration.
Readers appreciate sincere stories. It’s not what you see that’s important, but also what you feel. In addition, your genuine motivation for traveling to a destination or the adventure that brought you to the very moment you want to describe – those are the travel topics that others will find captivating. We all strive to tell a story of how we made it into a particular situation, the lives that connected to that situation, the emotions involved with the experience and how this one event affected our travels, and ourselves, in the most profound way possible.
Writing advice for novices and experts: Travel, write, and edit
The most engaging travel writing comes from a place of genuine passion and having a unique perspective. Authenticity, structure and clarity are your three besties in crafting that synergy. Don’t try to imitate another travel writer’s style—it won’t work in combination with your own personality. Are you a natural comedian who finds humor in unexpected situations? Let your wit shine through. Or perhaps you’re introspective and drawn to the quieter moments of traveling. Explore those deeper reflections in your writing.
Keep your structure clear, even if your emotions aren’t.
- Start from the beginning, of the experience, adventure, entire trip or even period of your life. The classic intro, main body and conclusion always works.
- Keep your thoughts connected, and all striving to achieve a progression in the story, in order to avoid confusing your reader.
- Never publish your first draft, even if you think it’s perfect (and especially if you think so).
- Wait a night to “let the ink dry”, then read it again, proofread it, edit it and improve it. Repeat this process as many times as needed.
There should be no rush to the process. Good storytelling takes time to create.
The “How”: Sensuality and visual storytelling
The power of sensual writing is highly underrated. You should engage all five senses in your story in order to achieve such a powerful effect. The goal is not for the reader to simply read, but for them to feel as many emotions as you went through during the experience you’re writing about. Readers want to feel the ups and downs, the happiness, the challenges, the tough moments, the feeling of accomplishment and on and on. Use detailed descriptions so that others can truly imagine the scenarios you’re talking about and feel as if they are right there next to you in the story itself.
Visual storytelling adds even more context to your story. High-quality photos and videos can be powerful tools for complementing your narrative. A well-placed image can instantly transport readers to your destination. However, it’s important to use visuals strategically, not just as fillers.
The final and most important piece of advice
Be as honest in telling your stories as you would when telling them to the people closest to you. There’s no need to avoid the truth or create stories that didn’t happen. Genuine storytelling always wins out over the fake stuff…always. Such honest narratives are easier to tell as you were there and as a result, you’re the absolute best person to tell your story first-hand.
In the end, be sure to write for yourself as well, as you should always be your own top reader. And when you write for yourself, you’ll want to be as sincere and accurate as possible, creating engaging travel stories based upon the real life-changing moments that fill your adventures all over the world.
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