Link Policy: While I generally don’t do link exchanges, if you have any other suggestions or have your own blog, please send me an email. I’m always interested in finding new blogs to follow, especially those that may also be of interest to the readers of this site!
Great blog Earl, i have done the same as i work away, now mainly in Australia, but i still live in the UK, it be a honor for me to put your link on my site if you wish.
Your blog is really fantastic as i share the same sort of thing, i travel a lot
I’m a huge fan of your blog . Have you heard of I just stumbled across it when i was looking up places to potentially visit . Its a database of homestays and volunteering at any place in the world you can think of which offer you a place to stay in exchange for a bit of work . I immediately wanted to tell you about it . Its definitely easier than searching on google all day lol !
Hey Cash – I’ve definitely heard of Workaway and I’ve mentioned them many times on the blog as a great option. Definitely worth checking out for anyone trying to get started with long-term travel.
I had such bad experiences with Workaway… And seems like most travelers I meet also get exploited by the families, most people are ok with overworking and having nothing in return but a bed, but I got really upset I wasted so much time and a bit of money on that website.
[…] Success course if you’re serious about earning money from your blog and for inspiration, see my list of fellow travel bloggers out […]
[…] Success course if you’re serious about earning money from your blog and for inspiration, see my list of fellow travel bloggers out […]
You are my idol
[…] Success course if you’re serious about earning money from your blog and for inspiration, see my list of fellow travel bloggers out […]
Great blog Earl, i have done the same as i work away, now mainly in Australia, but i still live in the UK, it be a honor for me to put your link on my site if you wish.
Your blog is really fantastic as i share the same sort of thing, i travel a lot
Hi Earl,
you should definitely check
it can find cheaper flights than JetRadar
Hey Petra – I’ve tried Momondo many times over the years but I’ve always found cheaper flights on other sites.
Great list! I’d love to be included in it 😉
Hi Earl ,
I’m a huge fan of your blog . Have you heard of I just stumbled across it when i was looking up places to potentially visit . Its a database of homestays and volunteering at any place in the world you can think of which offer you a place to stay in exchange for a bit of work . I immediately wanted to tell you about it . Its definitely easier than searching on google all day lol !
Hey Cash – I’ve definitely heard of Workaway and I’ve mentioned them many times on the blog as a great option. Definitely worth checking out for anyone trying to get started with long-term travel.
I had such bad experiences with Workaway… And seems like most travelers I meet also get exploited by the families, most people are ok with overworking and having nothing in return but a bed, but I got really upset I wasted so much time and a bit of money on that website.
Congrats on Today’s NY Times Article! There is hope for us Travel Bloggers… not sure if this link will show up:
Thanks so much for that Steve!
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